Detail BOSS owners Christian and Chris continue education with Jason Killmer of KXK Dynamics AKA “The SandMan”

Sanding paint isn’t for the faint of heart. One wrong stroke and you could go through the vehicle’s clearcoat, ruining it and compromising its originality if it needs to be resprayed. 


We attended Jason’s Killmer’s sanding course at Renny Doyle’s Detailing Success HQ, located in Big Bear, CA. Jason is known world-wide for his incredible sanding skills on world class automobiles; despite having cerebral palsy, Jason has mastered his craft and trains people across the country. During the course we learned the proper techniques to assess paint texture, what tools and skills are required to tackle tricky corners and seams, and of course the art of hand sanding to minimize paint texture for that perfect mirror finish we all know and love! 



We attend a number of continued education courses, seminars and webinars throughout each year. This allows us to continue to be industry leaders within the art of paint correction and other services we offer to our clientele. Until next time, happy detailing! 


 - Chris Co-owner Detail BOSS

Want to get your hands on some KXK Sanding Stix? Visit Jason’s website here


Chrome delete on Arizona’s nicest Tesla P100D

Meticulously stenciled out letters

Meticulously stenciled out letters

It’s often we have the pleasure of working on Tesla’s Model S’s, Model X’s and soon to be Model 3’s; but it’s a rarer occasion to work on a modified Tesla owned by one of the most enthusiastic people on fire for Tesla as our client. This combination makes every appointment truly a welcoming and exciting experience every time.

The agenda this time was to do a “chrome delete”. This is a fancy (or maybe not so fancy) term used in the industry to black-out chrome trim by using either satin, matte, or gloss black vinyl material to give the vehicle a more aggressive look. All window trim, mirrors, door handles and front bumper/rear bumper trim is chrome on the Tesla. 

We also removed the front “T” and rear emblems to paint black, since wrapping these in vinyl won’t yield the result we or our client were after because the material just doesn’t comply to such intricate and small surfaces.  






Mid process, the mirror is wrapped, door trim and door handle are not. 


Front grille and lower bumper pieces wrapped. T painted, ready to install red T over top


The transformation, although subtle, made a huge impact on the appearance of this car. We & our client couldn’t be happier with the results! 




For more information, visit our vinyl services page here ! Happy detailing 


-Detail BOSS

Bray Windshield Skin Installation for Track Day: Mclaren 675LT


Love to track your car but scared to death of chipping up that expensive or original windshield? With Bray WindowSkins, your windshield can be saved time, and time again from those nasty pits and chips on track day. 

The two layer system is designed for track-use; once the most superficial layer has shown heavy signs of wear, you can simply peel the layer off, revealing a brand new film for additional use. While these skins are an excellent alternative to replacing the windshield, note that due to the thickness of the film, install will not be perfect and slight creases may be visible. 




Shrinking/molding the film to perform final fitment cut


Wet-check to ensure optimal mold is achieved


Final squeegee application to adhere film to the windshield glass