Yesterday we received a phone call from a client of ours to detail a custom chopper built for the winner of the Indianapolis 500 race in 2004. This bike sat in storage for some time before we got our hands on it.
Dusty and crusty, this needed some serious attention
After doing a thorough wash to remove major grime and dirt, we pulled it in to get a closer eye on what mattered: the details.
With steam and various products, we cleaned every nook and cranny of the engine, wheels, calipers, and handle bars that we could, making the chrome shine like-new. We also polished the gas tank along with the front and rear fenders to remove minor surface scratches, leaving the air brushed artwork nearly flawless. This is our Deluxe package for custom choppers.
A couple hours later, this custom chopper didn't even look like the same bike.
- The Detail Boss
“Select-Team Members of The Air Force One Detailing Team”
“Official Detailers of the Museum of Flight”