Air Force One Detail Team 2015

July 13-18, 2015 marked the third time we have been selected and been a part of the Air Force One Detail Team. We had the extraordinary opportunity to not only detail SAM970, the first jetplane Air Force One, but serial #003 Boeing 787 Dreamliner, F-14 Tomcat, A6 Intruder, FIAT fighter jet, Harrier, and the last remaining DC2 in the world in flying condition. 

The goal during this entire project was to slightly restore, but mostly preserve these aircraft. Our team polished the paint and finessed the 60 year old aluminum on Air Force One, followed by applying an advanced paint sealant to preserve the finish until next year where it will be placed under a pavilion being built by the Museum of Flight.

We'd like to thank every sponsor who made this happen including FLEX, Autogeek and Sonax USA, along with the sponsors who provided our daily lunches! You guys ROCK! As always, huge thank you to each and every team member as well as Renny Doyle and your family! You guys are like family to us. Enjoy the gallery and video!

Scottsdale best detailing company now offering window tinting services!

We are proud to announce that we are now offering window tinting services for all your automotive needs in the Scottsdale and greater Phoenix area! We use high quality film to ensure color stability is guaranteed in our hot Arizona climate. For more information about our window tint service. please visit our Window Tint page provided below.

Window Tint Page

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We had the pleasure and opportunity of being interviewed by RJ of RJ is known for finding the latest and greatest in the automotive scene and interviews businesses to gain knowledge and provide his audience with helpful tips within the automotive realm.

He wanted to interview Detail Boss to ask us a variety of questions pertaining to our customers, our likes, and pick our brains about auto detailing.Here is our interview with him.

Detail Boss Interview with Auto Deets

